MER. 20 MARS - 19:00
Live & Présentiel
Hymanight #3 - Data to AI end-to-end
On March 20th, the Data Night Tech Talk comes back with an international flavor ! We will talk Data to AI end-to-end with three best-selling O’Reilly authors for this extraordinary meetup in Paris and virtually worldwide.
En détail
Ole, author of “The Enterprise Data Catalog”, will speak about Metadata in relations to Data Pipelines.
Joe, author of “Fundamentals of Data Engineering”, will explain his vision of what (really) is Data Modeling.
Hala, author of “Essential Math for AI” will present four different ways to work in the AI field and which skill sets/strategies/proficiency levels/funding and investment levels are needed for each one of them.
A l’issue de cet évènement
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